Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Agricultural & Resource Economics, August 2023
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Dissertation: Food Security and Livelihoods in the Face of Crisis: Examining the Impacts of COVID-19 and Distant Water Fleet Operations.
Main co-advisors: Sandro Steinbach and Emma Bojinova
M.S., Agriculture, Food, and Resource Economics, August 2019
Michigan State University, Lansing, MI
Thesis: “The Relationship between Market Information and Farm-Gate Prices Received by Small-Scale Farmers in the Magway Region of Myanmar.”
Main advisor: Robert Myers
M.A., International Studies, February 2014
Yonsei University, Korea
Thesis: “Key Success Factors for Fair Trade Towns: case studies on Garstang, London, Kumamoto, and Seoul.”
B.A., Economics, February 2010
Hanyang University, Korea
Journal Papers
Soojung Ahn and Robert Pomeroy. 2024. "Evaluating the Economic Impact of Distant Water Fleet Activities on Small-Scale Fishers in the South China Sea", Marine Policy, 168: 106324. Link
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2024. "Assessing the Trade Response to Pandemic-Related Non-Tariff Measures", Applied Economics Letters, published online first. Link
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2023. “The Impact of COVID‐19 Trade Measures on Agricultural and Food Trade”, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 45 (2): 911-927. Link
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2023. “Agri-food Trade Resilience among Food-Deficit Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 26 (3): 397-408. Link
Soojung Ahn, Dongin Kim, and Sandro Steinbach. 2023. “The Impact of Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Grain and Oilseed Trade”, Agribusiness, 39 (1): 291-299. Link
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2021. “COVID-19 Trade Actions in the Agricultural and Food Sector”, Journal of Food Distribution and Research, 52 (2): 51-75. Link
Soojung Ahn and Sang Hyeon Lee. 2018. "Impact of Aid for Trade to Agricultural Development and Trade", Journal of Rural Development, 41:67-87. Link
Nyein Nyein Kyaw, Soojung Ahn, and Sang Hyeon Lee. 2018. "An Analysis of Factors Influencing Market Participation Among Smallholder Rice Farmers in Myothit Township, Magway Region, Central Dry Zone, Myanmar", Sustainability, 10(12), 4441. Link
Soojung Ahn and Sang Hyeon Lee. 2017. "Do Donor Countries Benefit from Aid for Trade?", Journal of International Trade & Commerce, 12(6): 37-52. Link
Sang Hyeon Lee and Soojung Ahn. 2017. "An Overview of World Soybean Markets and Its Implication", Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture, 29(1): 18-25. Link
Book Chapters
Robert Pomeroy, Soojung Ahn and La Chhuon. 2022. Impact Assessment of Livelihoods Enhancement Support. Mekong Integrated Water Resources Management Project, Phase III – Component 1, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Fisheries Administration, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Yeonghun Kim, Myongkeun Eor, Sang Hyeon Lee, Sungju Cho, Dae Hee Chung, Soojung Ahn, Saera Oh. 2016. Agricultural Trade Issues in the Post-FTA Era, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Sungju Cho, Dae Hee Chung, Soojung Ahn, Saera Oh. 2016. A Study on Export-oriented Agricultural Industrialization: Case Studies of Advanced Countries, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Dae Hee Chung, Soojung Ahn. 2015. Results of Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and Policy Implications, P214, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Dae Hee Chung, Soojung Ahn, Yeongsek Yun. 2015. An Analysis on Export Competitiveness of Agricultural Products, R770-2, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Myongkeun Eor, Dae Hee Chung, Soojung Ahn, Yeongsek Yun. 2015, A Study on the Utilization of FTAs, R770-1, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Myongkeun Eor, Dae Hee Chung, Soojung Ahn, Yeongsek Yun, Taeyoon Kim, Jinkyo Suh. 2015. A Study on Strategies for Increasing Agricultural Exports by Utilizing FTAs (Year 2 of 2), R770, KREI.
Non-Refereed Publications
Sang Hyeon Lee, Soojung Ahn. 2016. Trends of Korea's Agro-Food Trade 1H, 2016, KREI Issues Analysis 19, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Hoyeon Chung, Soojung Ahn. 2016. The Prospect of Korea-US Agricultural Trade after the US presidential election, KREI Issues Analysis 18, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Soojung Ahn. 2016. An Analysis on Agricultural Trade and Cooperation for Korea-Mongolia EPA Negotiation, KREI Issues Analysis 17, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Dae Hee Chung, Soojung Ahn. 2016. Utilization of Preferential Tariff in Agricultural Exports to U.S. and ASEAN, KREI Issues Analysis 14, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Soojung Ahn. 2016. Results of Nairobi Ministerial Conference on Export Competition and Its Implications, KREI Issues Analysis 10, KREI.
Sang Hyeon Lee, Jongin Kim, Dae Hee Chung, Soojung Ahn. 2015. Conclusion of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), The Negotiation Results of the Agricultural Sector and Its Implications, KREI Agri-Policy Focus 114, KREI.
Research Experience
Associate Research Fellow, Korea Energy Economics Institute, May 2024 -
Department of International Energy Organization Cooperation
Consultant, TETRA TECH ARD, December 2022 – September 2024
Project 1: USAID Sustainable Fish Asia Technical Support (Economic analysis of IUU fishing operations)
Research Assistant, University of Connecticut, February 2021 – July 2023
Project 1: Kelp Project (Aquaculture business model)
Project 2: Mekong Integrated Water Resources Management Project (Survey data analysis)
Project 3: U.S. Agricultural Trade and Policy in a Dynamic Global Market Environment
Researcher, Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI), May 2014 – July 2017
Project 1: Impact of Korea-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Korea-Israel FTA on the Korean Agricultural Sector, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), 2016.
Project 2: A Study for the Development of Countermeasure Scenarios for Doha Development Agenda (DDA) Negotiation, MAFRA, 2016.
Project 3: The Impact of Korea-Central America FTA and Korea-Ecuador FTA on the Korean Agricultural Sector, MAFRA, 2015.
Project 4: Impact of Korea-Vietnam FTA on Korean Agricultural Sector, MAFRA, 2015.
Project 5: Impact of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Provisions on Korean Agricultural Sector, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), 2015.
Project 6: A Study on the Reform of Agricultural Subsidies for Food Security, MAFRA, 2015.
Project 7: Impact of Korea-China FTA on Korean Agricultural Sector, MAFRA, 2015.
Project 8: Impact of negotiation on TPP regulations on the Korean Agricultural Sector, MAFRA, 2015.
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steibach. 2023. "The impact of Russia-Ukraine war on the global food supply chain: A perspective on low-income food-deficit countries", selected paper, 2023 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting in Washington DC (Moderator of trade session).
Soojung Ahn. 2023. "Impact of illegal, unregulated, and unreported activities by distant water fleets on livelihoods of small-scale fishers in the South China Sea", selected poster, 2023 AAEA Annual Meeting in Washington DC.
Soojung Ahn, Dongin Kim, and Sandro Steinbach. "Global grain trade implications of the Russia-Ukraine war", selected paper, 2023 AAEA Annual Meeting in Washington DC.
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2022. “Russia-Ukraine war-led global supply disruptions in the staple food markets”, 2022 International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) annual meeting in Clearwater Beach, FL.
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2022. “Impact of Regional Trade Agreements with Neighboring Countries on Landlocked Developing Countries’ Trade Performance”, Selected Poster, 2022 AAEA Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA.
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2022. “COVID-19 Trade Actions and Their Impact on the Agricultural and Food Sector”, Invited Paper, AAEA at 2022 Allied Social Sciences Associations (ASSA) Annual Meeting (Virtual).
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2021. “Impact of Data Openness on Agricultural and Food Trade”, Selected Poster, 2021 AAEA Annual Meeting in Austin, TX (Virtual).
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2021. “Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 Trade Actions on International Food Trade”, Selected Presentation, IATRC-OECD Summer Symposium 2021 (Virtual).
Soojung Ahn and Sandro Steinbach. 2021. “COVID-19 Effects on Agricultural and Food Trade – A Developing Country Perspective”, Selected Presentation, IATRC-OECD Summer Symposium 2021 (Virtual).
Soojung Ahn and Sang Hyeon Lee. 2016. "Do Donor Countries Benefit from Aid for Trade?", Selected Paper, 2016 CAES & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting in Victoria, BC.
Soojung Ahn and Sang Hyeon Lee. 2016. "Impact of Aid for Trade to Agricultural Development and Trade", Selected Paper, 2016 SAEA Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX.
Awards & Fellowship
Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Connecticut Spring 2023
Nathan Koenig AG/EC Student Fund Award, University of Connecticut Fall 2022
Paul L. Putnam Professional Development Endowment, University of Connecticut Fall 2022
Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Connecticut Spring 2022
Conference Participation Fellowship, University of Connecticut Spring 2022
Award for Excellence in Research and Communication, Food Distribution Research Society Fall 2021
Ellen Bishop Carder Scholarship, University of Connecticut Fall 2021
2021 Doctoral Travel Award Fall 2021
2015 Award Certificate, Korea Rural Economic Institute Fall 2015
2006 Honor Scholarship, Hanyang University Spring 2006
28th Annual Short Courses in Global Trade Analysis (GTAP), Purdue University (2021)
Teaching Assistant, University of Connecticut (2020 - 2023)
Principles of Applied and Resource Economics
Intermediate Applied and Resource Economics
Economics of Energy, Climate, and the Environment
Business Organization and Labor Market
Marketing and Consumer Behavior
Grader, Michigan State University (2017-2019)
Retail Information Systems
Global Agri-food
Intern, Good Neighbors (NGO), Korea (2014)
Department of International Development
Research & Teaching Assistant, Yonsei University (2011-2014)
Project 1: Governance Structure and Socioeconomic Effects of Standardization
Project 2: Regional Studies - Australia
Teaching Assistant: Global IT management, ICT & Development
Technical Skills & Languages
STATA (Proficient)
R (Intermediate)
GTAP (Intermediate)
ArcGIS Pro (Intermediate)
Python (Intermediate)
Microsoft Office (Proficient)
English (Proficient)
Korean (Native)
Japanese and French (Beginner)